Friday, 1 July 2011

Television Production And Camera-I

Camera is the most important thing that is used during production phase of television productions. Smart cameras are great most of the time and they
Certainly cut down on the common mistakes most people make
From time to time.
If you are really interested in the television productions you must be aware of the basic working of the camera and it related things. Now it is up to you how much you want to know about a camera or it working. The television camera changes light into an electronic signal that can be
Stored (using video tape (DVC), optical disks, or computer memory), and all the happenings in front of the camera along with the storing on the media above mentions are also displayed on a television receiver or monitor. Which tell you more in detail, what is happening there and what you need more. So that you can easily modify the things according your needs.

Television cameras are probably easier to operate well than film or still cameras because you can watch and control the camera output as you record. There are few electronic controls, and the manual controls on the lens will be familiar to anyone who has used a good still or motion picture camera. Video cameras can produce a sharper, clearer pictures than the recording other media.

Understanding how to use the camera correctly will help you avoid poor results. So for doing this you should be aware of some common terms and techniques of the camera and it workings.
These may be:
1. Lens control
i. Iris
ii. Focus
iii. Zoom
2. Electronic Controls
i. White Balance
ii. Gaining
iii. View finding
iv. Pedestal

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